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19 West 34th Street
Suite 1022
New York, NY 10001
The Brand Wellness Center - Enlightened Dentistry

1 min read
Fluoride Toxicity
Well folks, it’s finally happened. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has admitted under oath that Fluoride will interfere with human...
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1 min read
Toothbrush Recommendations
Ever wonder what the best toothbrush is? This video should answer all your questions. If you like this post you may also like: Floss...
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3 min read
Screening for Oral Cancer
Mouth and throat cancers are on the rise. And the number one cause of these types of cancers is not from smoking, and not from alcohol...
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2 min read
Vitamin D: How much do we need?
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps regulate calcium and phosphorus in the body. It plays a major role in maintaining proper...
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3 min read
GRANOLA - A Healthy Alternative Cereal
As many of you may know, I love to cook. Give me any recipe, and I will find a way to make it healthier. So when a patient asked what to...
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2 min read
The Fallout from The Shot
Hi all! The time is right and we are back. Our blog has been silent for over two years and now is the time to speak. There are certain...
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3 min read
A Safe Dental Environment -Post Covid19
Dear Dental Family, We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. Our community has been through a lot over the last few...
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3 min read
Stopping Tooth Decay
Every now and then, I have a patient who is not a perfect candidate for dental work. Usually, there is a cavity that needs to be filled...
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1 min read
Finding Natural Health Information on the Internet
In case you haven’t noticed, it is getting more and more difficult to find natural health information through the usual search engines....
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2 min read
SMART Certification- Why it is important for your health
According to research published recently in the peer-reviewed Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (JOMT), the safety...
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2 min read
Dental Fluorosis Update
Dental fluorosis is not a pretty sight. In this modern day, pearly white teeth are in, mottled teeth are not. It is particularly...
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2 min read
A Gentle Heavy Metal Detox
I’ve tried numerous detoxes over the years. Many have been incredibly effective. Others not so much. Most have had some uncomfortable...
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2 min read
Why is My Head Buzzing?
For more than one hundred years, dental gold has been considered the “gold standard” in dental restorations. Used in crowns as well as...
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2 min read
A Mercury-Free World
Once the mainstay of dentistry, amalgam mercury fillings are now in sharp decline and have been discontinued in several countries....
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2 min read
Tooth Erosion
Have you ever noticed that your teeth look thinner than they used to? Maybe even a bit darker? Some wear is inevitable as we age, but...
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2 min read
E-cigarettes and Oral Health
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States....
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3 min read
Gratitude for Better Health
The holiday season can be stressful for many, but focusing on gratitude will make a tremendous difference in mitigating this stress....
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1 min read
Flossing Really is Important
Here’s a newsflash. Flossing your teeth BEFORE you brush has been proven to be the most effective way to get your teeth their cleanest....
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