Dear Dental Family,
We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety.
Infection control has always been a top priority for our practice and you may have seen this during your visits to our office. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it’s both safe and comfortable.
The great news is that we have been a biological dental office for many years, so many of these safety protocols that the American Dental Association has recommended, we already have had in place for years.
Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We follow the activities of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued. We do this to make sure that our infection control procedures are current and adhere to each agency’s’ recommendations.
You may see some changes when it is time for your next appointment. We made these changes to help protect our patients and staff. For example:
· Our office will communicate with you before your appointment to ask some screening questions. You’ll be asked those same questions again when you are in the office.
· A Sneezeguard has been installed at the Reception desk area for your protection.
· Your temperature will be taken while in the Reception room. If it is higher than 99.2 degrees F, you will not be seen and will be asked to reschedule your appointment.
· A Pulse Oximeter reading will be taken while in the Reception Room. If your blood oxygen levels are low, you will not be seen and will be advised to see your physician for follow-up. A low blood oxygen level is a symptom of asymptomatic COVID infection.
· We have hand sanitizer at the reception area. Please use when you enter the office.
· You may see that our Reception room will no longer offer reading material since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect. Please enjoy the ambiance of the waterfall and relaxing music.
· Once you are in the treatment room, we give you an ozone mouth rinse to reduce the microbes in your mouth.
· We use ozone water in our dental units. Not only does that give us zero colonies of bacteria and viruses in our units, but it also keeps ALL of our waterlines sterile.
· During any treatment we use a aerosol control system that sucks up all of the aerosols that your mouth or the dental equipment may put out.
· We have a surgically clean air sanitizing unit centrally located in the office with individual air purifier units in each treatment room. You may notice that our air feels and smells exceptionally clean.
· Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. That might mean that you’re offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
· We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
· We have also updated our personal protection gear, so we may look a little unusual when you see us.
We have done a great deal to create a safe environment for our patients and team members. It will feel a bit...different. But it's all for YOUR benefit as a patient. You don't have to feel anxious that you will catch some disease from our office.
Many other dental offices are scared to go back to work because they still don't have the PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) they need.
But OUR office has had the right PPE for years because we are a biological dental office. We have already been doing it for a long time.
We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice. To make an appointment, please call our office at 212 947-0073, email us at or contact us through our website
As per the New York State mandate, we expect to reopen on Monday, May 18. Please call the office to set up your appointments, as time slots may be limited
Thank you for being our patient. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming you back and seeing your beautiful smiles again!
Dr. Brand and Team