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Castor Oil Pulling

Updated: Mar 17, 2024

As many of you already know, oil pulling has been around for hundreds of years. It is an ancient Ayurvedic technique used for detoxification and improving health. Conventionally, sesame, sunflower or coconut oils are the most popular for oil pulling, each having their own particular therapeutic effects. And if you want to know the best oil to use for your individual condition, feel free to ask at your next visit with us.


However, there is a new kid on the block: Castor oil. Historically castor oil was mostly used topically to promote healing and to pull toxins out through the skin. But for now there seems to be a sudden interest in oil pulling with Castor oil.

The main plus of using Castor oil, is you can expect similar effects as other oils in a fraction of the time. This can be a game changer for those of us in a rush for a quick daily detox. But the down side is that Castor oil is so much more viscous than other oils. So if oils make you queasy, it may not be the best choice for you.

When practiced regularly, the process benefits the rest of the body as well. In addition to improving oral health, oil pulling can also:

-Relieve migraines

-Correct hormone imbalances

-Reduce inflammation

-Treat digestive issues

-Reduce dental plaque buildup

-Whiten teeth-Improve vision

-Reduce allergies

-Detoxify the body of heavy metals

When looking for the correct oil to use, organic, cold pressed is usually the best choice. For Castor oil, look for organic, cold pressed, hexane free and packaged in a glass bottle.  We would be happy to recommend a particular brand if you ask at your next dental visit.

As for how to oil pull, it is so simple. You can read our original post with all the directions here. Castor oil pulling is done exactly the same as the other oils, but only two to five minutes of pulling is needed. That sure beats the usual twenty minute process.

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